Lobo Salsa by Sadie’s Restaurant


SKU: 12351 Category:

Sadie’s has teamed up with the University of New Mexico to create Lobo Salsa, a unique blend of New Mexico Green Chile, Tomatoes and Spices. A portion of the sales from this product benefit The University of New Mexico Lobos. Lobo Salsa will surely make your taste buds HOWL!


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Sadie’s Salsa has created a name for itself that not only people in Albuquerque have come to know and love, but has gained notoriety around New Mexico and throughout the United States! 50 years ago their famous salsa was born, and since then people from all walks of life have found comfort in its authentic taste. Their salsa and chile can be enjoyed in the restaurants, as well as found in over 9,000 stores across the nation, where its iconic flavors can be cherished in the homes of many!

Additional information




16 oz. Jar

Heat Level

Medium Hot

